

  • Thank you so much for supporting me! I find it too hard to open up to anyone because they would be too concern sending me straight to some treatment centre. Plus my asian background prove impossible for me to explain to my parents what's going on with me. I can't bare letting them know what I have done to myself. Sometimes…
  • To be bluntly honest, I haven't got treatment or anything. I just made a goal for myself to stop purging even if I purge massively. My wake up call really was from the sign of my teeth eroding, period stop and realisation that I am not losing weight still. It is addictive to purge even though I know purging won't make me…
  • So grateful to finally find someone who understand the scale of my problem. I added you! Have you recover from bulimia? I am trying to regain my relaxation around food but sayin it is much easier than trying to psychologically train my brain to do so after years of bulimia. I just find it too hard to deal with all the…
  • I want to join too! I want to do 5 miles per day. Perhaps 30 miles a week? and over a month is 120 miles! Support me guys!
  • I am trying to recover from bulimia for the 3rd time. Please can someone give me support? I am binging non stop. It's terrifying and I don''t know how to stop :( I am over my ideal weight too. At this stage I think that is all to my binging. Please give me some advice and support!