

  • Hi Jess, I have AS and I do spin 2-3x/week, yoga 1x/wk, sit-ups 3x/wk, light weights 2x/wk. My FAVORITE is yoga, it's the best pill around :-) Check with phys therapist on what you should be doing. I think the medical advice has changed over time and I believe as long as it's not causing trouble, then you should do it.…
  • I have AS too. The absolute best thing I do for my AS is Anusara Yoga. I go religiously on the weekend at 10:30am, that's probably the best time of the day for me. I also go straight to the gym to do cardio 3 days/ week in the morning. I wake up to an alarm and go without thinking about it. Inactivity makes my AS worse, so…
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