pah0021 Member


  • Such a GREAT experience, thank you for sharing. What is it about 2013? I had the same kind of realization and you are right, it is not a diet, it is a lifestyle change. Good job, keep at it, and keep inspiring!
  • Great story and I love this quote, "Quietly and consistently work towards building a better you." I just started MFP this year with the same kind of attitude but I'm loving the weight loss so far and I"m excited to keep making progress. Thank you for sharing!
  • i joined MFP because of a fitness challenge that i participated in at the beginning of the year. i've stayed on MFP b/c of the support and you are right. this is about new LIFESTYLE not a diet. this year i've made the commitment to focus on me and be the BEST me that i can possibly be. let's do this together! (^_^)
  • Challenge Accepted. I can always use the additional support of other folks who are working toward the best versions of themselves! :)