

  • You can definitely still lose weight just by watching your calorie intake, but exercise has so many other benefits even outside the world of weight loss. I really need to exercise more but I always come up with a reason to not. I'm afraid of going to the gym because I am so shy. My husband works constantly and I don't want…
  • You can feel free to add me! I started MFP in January and I have lost about 60 pounds so far. My goal is to lose a total of 132, so I understand how it can be discouraging when you see such a big number and see others who have goals to lose 20 pounds. But we are all here for the same reason - to be better in whatever…
  • I completely understand where you're coming from! I love roller coasters so much but a couple Summer's ago I went with my little niece to a park and I could barely fit in the tiny seat of the old wooden coaster we were on. (I am very bottom heavy.) I was somehow able to kinda sit sideways and wedge the bar down, but it was…
  • Welcome! I just started MFP in January and have found it to be instrumental in my weight loss journey. I haven't searched out any friends yet but you can feel free to add me if you would like!
  • This is my first attempt at posting/replying to anything on MFP, so my sincerest apologies if I do this wrong! I just wanted to say congratulations and thank you for your post! I love what you said above, about how people get so mad when you tell them how you lost the weight - it's true! Everybody always says how it's…