

  • Add me please! Not only and I new (again) but I also moved across Canada three months ago. I will be happy for all kinds of support.
  • Story is the same. Now I'm on a 15 day streak and most importantly, I am taking it one day at a time. If I have a bad day today, I don't get upset and give up all together, I keep it moving. And since I decided to do that, I feel a lot better.
  • I made it it habit to pack my lunches and breakfasts the night before (I have one daughter and my boyfriend has 2). I also make sure to include my snacks and I leave them on my desk in plain view so that I can turn to that. I know it's not much, but I found once I started packing everything the night before, that…
  • Hi, my name is Tara. I started seriously about 5 weeks ago and this time I started at 267.0, the heaviest I have ever been (mind you, I am starting AGAIN for like the billionth time). I have a goal weight in mind, but this time decided instead of focusing on my ultimate goal weight, I am focusing on one day at a time, one…
  • Hello, you can add me as well. I started (the 3rd time) and this time I started at 267.0, the heaviest I have ever been. I have a goal weight in mind, but this time decided instead of focusing on my ultimate goal weight, I am focusing on one day at a time, one pound at a time, one change at a time. Best of luck!!!