loretta726 Member


  • You look marvelous! Keep at it - you know you are up to this challenge. We are here to support you in your quest.
  • You look fantastic. I wish I had taken pics before my weight loss. I am 5"2" and started at 160 lbs. I am now at 126. I carried my weight in the same area as you. I agree with you that it is good to see others that have the same goals and are similar in body shape. Because of your post and pic I feel motivated to keep at…
  • I usually just read to get info but am so glad I stumbled on this thread. I weighed 144 on Tuesday. I began exercising this week (Monday and every other day). Today I got on the scale and I'm 150. It makes me wonder if I should just diet my way to goal weight and then exercise. I started in late Jan and had lost 16 lbs. Am…