Austintito Member


  • just the first recipe i googled for it, maybe look around for a black bean chocolate cake. Seems a little odd using black beans but it simulates the texture of cake very well and taste damn good.
    in Cake? Comment by Austintito January 2016
  • I think the idea of IF being so good is that usually when you work out you do it fasted and have your first meal afterwards? Like your body using your fat as energy instead of the food you ate. For me personally tho, I use IF when im dieting something about being full at the end of the day instead of eating a bunch of tiny…
  • Hands down best tasting I've had is MTS Whey protein.
  • This!! IF is GREAT for weight loss, however its not for everyone. If what you're doing is working stick with it. However if you've hit a brick wall while eating at a caloric defecit, I would suggest looking up intermittent fasting. Don't listen to people saying it will ruin your metabolism like the quote I showed IF is…
  • I wouldn't just say its just a jealousy thing but it could be. Im talking from personal experience.. whenever I first got into lifting id talk about it non stop and usually your group of friends you had before this lifestyle change just don't care. People tend to take your excitement and enthusiasm for this change as a "im…
  • Really depends on you, personally I prefer to workout on an empty stomach.. Some people get lightheaded if they don't eat before hand tho. If your not one of those people, id say it doesn't matter.