

  • My son does the same thing. I have 6 friends with 4+ kids each. All of their kids were potty trained. They all gave me the exact same potty training advice regarding naps and nighttime: don't sweat naptime/nighttime incidents in particular. In fact, they all said to just keep my son in pull-ups or other nighttime undies.…
  • Hi All! I'm a sometimes part time worker/sometimes SAHM/sometimes grad student and mom to a busy, busy 3 year old little guy. I don't have a lot to lose, but I need some motivation to improve the jell-o my body seems to have become. I've no energy and huff and puff going up 2 flights of stairs. I don't like working out. I…
  • I'd love some MFP friends. I'm so very bad at motivation. I know what I need to do (work out and stop eating fries). But life has a funny way of distracting me with shiny objects…like a delicious venti caffeinated confection from Starbucks. I think some friends cheering would be really helpful. I'm a mom of a 3 year old…
  • Hi there! We're twins…13 years apart! HA! age: 38 5'5" CW: 125 GW: 115 I'm more interested in toning up and being healthy than I am with a number on a scale. I'm done with all the mushy bits! :) I've got a really small frame, so I know at about 115, I'm toned without a muffin top.
  • Ziploc bags work wonderfully. I put soups in quart bags (not too full, because expansion) and lie them flat in the freezer. I actually have a shelf entirely stacked with soups and stews.