

  • I recyle those green little Perrier bottles and refill them all day at work. I force myself to drink at least 4-5 of those 12oz bottles during the day, and I also have a glass of water with breakfast and dinner. Then at night before bed I also have a glass of water that I never finish but it is right on my nightstand if I…
  • Greetings Jellyfish! You are doing even better. 10 pounds yes! Congrats! It is working!
  • Hello and greetings. I'm glad to find this group here. I joined MFP about 40 days ago and just starting to get the hang of this site. A coworker recommended it and it has helped me to watch what I eat and to really try harder to exercise and eat healther. Does anyone have any good earthy, healthy receipes that they would…
  • Hello there. I'm Roxanna. I would like to be friends.
  • Thank you for posting this! I really needed to hear this!