grind my own beans, usually 1/2 vanilla nut and 1/2 regular roast. Daily is non fat 1/2 and 1/2, about 2 TLB and stevia. On weekends we put in ground cinnamon and anise. Haven't learned to like black coffee, something about that creaminess with the edge of bitter that my taste buds love. Also, we make a big pot and then…
We live in Arizona and I consider grapefruit one of the really good things about the place: The trees are huge and prolific and we usually get them for free. I grew up in Wyoming: the grapefruit that got there were not too sweet, usually. My mom would cut them in half and drizzle with a bit of honey and then broil for a…
2 years ago, I think.
Fabulous! You look stunning and probably feel fabulous, too!