

  • There's quite a big range for your height (or anyone's height). People look better at the bottom end of that range and people look better at the top end of that range. Anywhere between 100-130 lbs is probably a good ideal and healthy weight for your height.
  • When I read that, it literally sounded like me. I started at 10 and half too, and 9 seemed absurd. I aimed for 9 and a half. Here I am, also just a few (4 to be precise) lbs of 120 lbs and 119 lbs was originally the lowest I'd want to go in my mind - I thought I'd look really skinny by this point. I don't… I thought I had…
  • I like that thinking :) I don't have that much weight to go… it's just more about getting leaner and getting rid of the extra wobbles which is going to take more months than I think it is, I think!
  • The ONLY bad thing I've heard is that the egg yolk has higher cholesterol which is why, if you eat eggs every day, it's a good idea to swap a couple days with just eating egg whites. Other than that, I love eggs and have them about 4-5 days a week for breakfast with cooked tomatoes :)
    in Eggs Comment by ell_23 September 2014
  • It's your birthday. It's once a year. Please eat thousands of calories of birthday cake and get so drunk you forget about it all tomorrow :) One day won't kill you - or make you gain any more than about a pound or two which won't be real fat anyway - can easily get it off again in a few days.
  • I did thanks :) I'm almost happy with the number, but my body fat % must be sooo high. I'm unhappy with the composition too, want to get a little toned and leaner…problem is I don't really know how to. I've started by doing lots of exercises on the mat at the gym, and try and incorporate free weights. I use some machines…
  • I don't know, but definitely have a high body fat % just because I'm not heavy but still have lots of flab and a tummy. I'm working on first losing some of the weight but also upping my muscle exercises at the gym. I try and go to the gym when I can, which ends up being about 3 or 4 times a week on average, mostly cardio…
  • No, I'm fairly short so I think for my height I'd have to be about 7 and a half stone or less to be considered medically underweight. Someone said something about their friend being size 2 and my weight. As of this morning I'm 124 lbs and still US 4 on top (or maybe 2-4) and have 37 inch hips and big thighs meaning I am…
  • Agreed. I use a standing sun bed and the bulbs have recently been changed so are quite strong. I go on for 7 or 8 minutes at a time - or up to 10 if I'm feeling like it occasionally. And that's me being an experienced tanner with naturally olive skin anyway! 12 minutes was just too much. Tanning on sun beds is no worse…
  • Ah well my pill has oestrogen (same thing, think we just spell it differently) in it but perhaps it's just my body then. When I was first concerned about going on it years ago… my doctor said it doesn't directly make you put on weight… but she said at the time that it can make someone feel more hungry.. hence they then eat…
  • To be totally honest, when I feel like I'm losing motivation, I look at the scales to see how little I weigh compared to before, remind myself of what I used to be and how I used to look, then look at Instagram fitness accounts of super hot slim women. To make it realistic, I have a couple acquaintance friends who I follow…
  • I understand. At 145 lbs I looked in the mirror and saw myself for what I was. In fact I probably saw myself as smaller than I actually was. At 125 lbs, I see myself as just as chubby as I did before… despite knowing inches have come off my arms, legs and waist, dropping a dress size and having compliments all the time. I…
  • It's not so much something specific that I am proud of doing…but I had a proud moment when I realised my new year resolution for 2014 was to finally get my act together and lose some weight by the end of the year. This is the first resolution I've ever kept and completed. I vowed to be 9 stone 7 lbs by the end of the…
  • Can I please ask what for your details? Like original weight, current, goal and height? I'm willing to bet money you have lost a lot visibly…its just hard for you to see the change as its so gradual. If you measured yourself before and now I reckon you'd see inches off. I wasn't fat to begin with, but just 20 lbs down I…
  • I read that contraception and weight gain has become a popular association but that scientists have found no scientific connection in lab tests and things, that any connection is coincidental and down to something else kind of thing. Personally, with the pill I used to blame it for me being so big…but 20 lbs down the line…
  • H&M we do have in the UK, and I shop there already :) There's a few high street stores on the cheaper size and a few online stores that are cheaper that I shop at anyway…I just always buy slightly more expensive (still not a lot though, really) jumpers and jeans, as I want them to both last and for the jumpers to be warm -…
  • It doesn't exist in the UK. Don't know what it is.
  • Well we have charity shops, or thrift stores I think you call them. We also do have a couple "high street" stores that are designed to be quite cheap, and one is super cheap called Primark, but it comes at the price of slave labour and rubbish quality…I guess it does the job for a bit until Christmas and birthdays though.…
  • Thanks for the suggestions guys but I'm English, we don't have craigslist or walmart. There are kind of equivalents, though. They're a bit crappy quality but I guess if I'm poor then that's what needs to be done! I will have to resort to charity shops and cheap stores more (as in, even cheaper than the stores I already…
  • The bigger you are to start with, the more it'll take to start noticing (and for others to start noticing) a change in your appearance. Me, for example…I started as verging on a little big/chubby but I wasn't fat, let alone very fat or obese. So after even just 5 lbs I personally noticed my stomach flattening down a bit…
  • 5'3" 125 lbs Waist 27 inches Hips 37.5 inches
  • I know how you feel. I have a close friend who I like and care about a lot. But if there's one thing that might make me snap at her in the near future is her sabotage. She's a very small girl herself. She isn't ill but she does have a little obsession with food and staying thin. When she gained 4 pounds at university she…
  • I have/had a total of 30 lbs to lose and so far lost nearly 20. However, that's a lot to me. That's actually a hell of a lot and my body has already drastically changed. But then I also wasn't really fat to begin with at 145 lbs and 5'3. Now 126 lbs. Goal is 115 lbs. To other people it might not sound like much, but other…
  • Solid UK 6-8 on top and 8 on bottom. (US 2-4 top and 4 bottom)
  • Are saddlebags like lovehandles? The flabby bits between the hips and waist that bulge over tight trousers? haha. Not sure if there's some US/UK slang confusion or I'm living in a cave. If so, in my opinion it's quite literally about continuing to lose weight and waiting for those flabby bits to get a little smaller. No…
  • See below
  • Hi! So I'm described more as an hourglass due to a proportionally smaller waist and then a broad chest/decent sized boobs. However, I am VERY much a bottom-heavy hourglass. While I stared losing weight, it came mostly off my top half which now means I am looking more and more like a pear-hourglass each week so I hope it's…
  • I first did my goals in stages. I've never ever been able to lose weight before. My first goal was only a few pounds less than what I was, at 135 lbs. Now, it's a few months later, and reached all my goal weights set so far (130 then 127 lbs) with ease. Sooooo I've set my final goal weight as 115 lbs, but will review…
  • I've been using MFP for a few months but new to the whole forum/chatting thing so I don't have photos up. I wish I could show you my transformation though so far, to prove it makes a difference. I was 145 lbs at my heaviest ever, but around 141/142 lbs when I started to seriously and deliberately lose weight and weighed in…