
  • Hmm, tricky one, I would agree though, sometimes people just don't get that it's easier to avoid temptation all together. My question would be, what do you do together when you're not dieting? Do you eat out with friends a lot? Could be he's not so keen or able to cut himself off from those social events, unfortunately…
  • Just joined the forums, and I think I may have found the group I'm looking for!! There's a bottle of very nice red wine, with a good glass left in it just calling to me across the room. I shall resist!!!! This weekend is going to be tough staying off the booze, our local is pretty much a second home. Luckily quite a few…
  • I always end up sounding like Meg Ryan in WHMS - can I have the salad but not if there's potato, with the dressing on the side etc etc. No-ones ever said "I'll have what she's having"
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