THIS^^^^ I hit my head last week on one of the machines, then this week I almost fell off one of the seated machine, then when I started walking on the treadmill my music started.. AT FULL BLAST! and I almost fell then also! Just remember you are there for you not them and they all started out not knowing either. If you…
"Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict"- William Ellery Channing.
8.2 pounds
I think it's a gift you can only give once. Make sure that person is worth it. You can't take it back.
Just did my first one this past weekend. It was a ton of fun! Lessons learned: Wear tight fitting pants past your knees.. my knees are pretty banged up I agree with 2 garbage bags.. put your clean ones in a bag too. My new shirt from the race got dirty. Bummer Would not hurt to wear gloves. Mud is gravelly. Take less…
^^^ THIS! lol
AWESOME STORY! Thanks for sharing. You look wonderful!
Avocado string cheese any lean meat even chicken.. yes you are allowed to have chicken for breakfast beef jerky hand full of almonds works for me
I just had an avocado tuna salad today and said it was probably my new favorite thing! I never expected the combination to be good but I kept hearing about it so all I did was Diced up the avocado in bite size chunks, mixed it lightly with the tuna (to keep chunks of it as well)and a few sliced up carrots, lime juice and a…
I only use dry shampoo once in awhile. I think it dries my hair out too much. Rinse and just a touch of conditioner on the top. I also use the Infusium Leave in Conditioner. Its not real heavy like some of the others.
How do you stop heel striking?
I'm a dork... fanny pack.
OH YES AND THESE! I have to stay out of the aisle that has them at the store. I can not resist JUST A SMALL BAG!
Wine Pasta pasta pasta any chips- especially Doritos, even better with frito lays jalapeno cheese dip oh yes and cheese! Of course McDonald's French Fries and dare I say, a Filet O Fish now and again (I don't think it's even fish) Fajitas Crusty warm bread The list goes on and on and on and on and on Thankfully I don't…
This thread is another reason I love MFP Too funny!
I keep it really simple.. a few fresh herbs and lime juice. No oil.
^^ this! and create your own stories!
Ashley Horner
Totally agree! They need to just throw this stuff out of court and tell it like it is! Idiot!
1. Stop smoking! I did.. but it took too long 2. You have no idea what you are worth. 3. Eliminate processed foods (still learning this one) 4. Diets do not work.. well they do but they are temporary. You have to change your lifestyle and learn to cook healthier. 5. Alcohol is not better than pop. Well I think it tastes…
Mine will bring me the mail, carry my purse, rides on the quad with me, loves to zumba (he stands in between my legs and goes whichever direction I go) , and lays on the floor and stretches too when I do yoga. I'll look over and there he is laying on his back all sprawled out! I don't teach him silly dog tricks. He just…
I'm in the same boat.. the guys in the downstairs weight room terrify me and there's no one to help teach me unless I want to pay the gym owner for private lessons. I mentioned Stronglifts and he totally blew me off. Arghh
^^ this is what I was going to suggest
Whoever is working should introduce you to the machines. I would start on the treadmill or elliptical and go from there. And just keep in mind everyone is there for the same reason (to be healthier) and not all gym goers are ogres! Most everyone is very nice..
In school his name was John Graham Mellor but his band calls him what?
Finished my day 10 last night.. time to start on day 11!
100 regular squats done... major shin splint pain so jumping was definitely out
Yum! Thanks! I need to try some of these ideas
Done! ouch