I un-friend anyone I wouldn't be willing to sit with one-on-one over dinner. I hide anyone whose posts are annoying to me which includes too many selfies, baby pics, youtube links, political positions, issue statements or poor pitiful me posts.
I gave up processed foods and the weight started to fall off. I'm happy to help if I can. Congrats to you for reaching out. That's a great step!
Water, both hot and chilled. I add lemon to the hot water. A couple times a month I may have a cocktail, usually cranberry vodka. It's not exciting but it really helps. I use to drink Starbucks Frappuccinos, lemonade and anything creamy. Once I broke that cycle, I really saw changes.
I often cook from the Forks Over Knives Cookbook. I have been able to track down most of the items I've needed here in the US at my local Whole Foods store. Now, I am seeing them in more and more mainstream stores. What are you having trouble finding? I'll admit, it took several trips before a stumbled on a couple products…