

  • Me too! Me too! I just sent you a message asking if you would like to be friends and support each other. I hope you accept. It seems the few friends I had before I lost track have disappeared. If anyone else wants to add a cheerleader to their friend list, feel free to add me! I had a modicum of success before and need to…
  • Hi! I have quite a journey to go to learn o be more healthy. I would love to friend you and work on this together. I just finished week 2. It was a challenge. With my unusual job and schedule, I slipped for a day but logged it anyway. The support from my little group of friends has kept me from completely falling off and…
  • My beliefs as well...
  • Hi everyone! I am Nicole, a 44 year old mother of 2 girls 17 and 15 and have been married to my wonderful husband for 19 years. I have struggled with my weight all of my life and have not been a good example for my children. It is my girls who have become a major inspiration, as one is now a vegan and my other introduced…
  • Aside from my personal faith, as a hospice nurse, I have been with people through their finals days, hours and minutes and have seen time and again people who appear to be met by someone/something familiar and comforting and guided into their next life.