bohoT Member


  • I have zero willpower with snacks and a husband that snacks all day long. So as crazy as it sounds, we actually made a list of junk food that he likes but I don’t really. He keeps that around and I just make sure that I have sensible stuff around for me to eat. He can always bring the stuff that I don’t want taunting me to…
  • I could use more people to hold me accountable, especially on the weekends!
  • Humans are awkward, flawed, insecure things. This is just as true for women as it is for men. Every pretty girl has farted during yoga, nervous puked in front of a group of people, went through an awkward period, made a joke that no one else got. Don’t feel the need to hide. Find a way to dip your toe in the water in a way…
  • This 100% Imagine how small (pun soooooo intended) their lives and egos are if they are desperate for validation. Ugh, I don’t even want to imagine what they are compensating for. ..
  • I went through the same thing a few years ago. I did a slow and steady couch to 5k program. Even though I ran 5k's before the miscarriage, I needed that gradual increase to get my body functioning again. You can find them just about anywhere - Pinterest is full of them. So sorry for your loss! Glad to hear you are…