Most of the frappacuinos have light versions that are honestly really good. I think the java chip light is better than the full cal one. There are also a lot of ways to cut calories as mentioned before, non-fat milk and no whip cream cuts upwards of 100 calories. Using sweet and low, equal or splenda instead of syrup cuts…
I usually pre plan the majority of my day, leaving a little wiggle just in case I get hungry or stray from the plan. I tend to do a morning snack and an afternoon snack and then a snack right after I get home from working out, which I usually eat while cooking to keep myself from random snacking and then I reserve an after…
Yay! Glad I found this thread, my user name is SweetMelissa :)
Up your water, Chinese is usually pretty high in sodium and that can contribute to that gross feeling.
There is a plus size consignment shop that I am in love with. You might want to look into that, extra cash for you without much hassle and knowing that they went on to make someone else happy.
That dress is adorbs! Nice work
I don't understand how this is a legitimate fight that couples have. Before my SO and I were dating, I didn't give him access to my phone at all. When we started dating, there was never a conversation about it, but I gave him my code on a couple of occasions so that he could read messages aloud if I was driving or use my…
Steve Martin
I agree with everyone else. It was mostly mac and cheese and mashed potatoes for three days, but I honestly did not want to eat at all.
Here is hoping that there are still open slots, I'd love to be in Ravenclaw.
My boyfriend laughed the first time he saw me do this, but it really does work. I use mugs when I eat cereal, which keeps it closer to one serving than a bowl ever could and a salad plate makes me feel like my dinner is a heaping serving instead of a cup of whatever it is I'm eating.
I definitely agree with doing charity walks/runs (shout out to Great Strides which raises money for Cystic Fibrosis). I wouldn't blanket all races done by these organizations as bad, they don't donate nearly as much as completely charitable organizations, but why not do a mix of the fun runs and the charity ones to keep it…
It's not impossible, but at your current weight, it would really be difficult. I would worry less about lbs and more about steady losing by kicking up the exercise and making sure you are eating healthy and keeping a deficit. Don't set yourself up with an unrealistic goal that will ruin your progress if you don't reach it…
I'm in please. Preferably Team Dalek or Companions. Thanks!
Sorry doll, I completely understand how sucky OAS is. Mine include apples, peaches, pears, plums, etc. Mostly fruits with a skin that you can either peel or eat is the best way that I usually describe it. With the combination of OAS, Intolerance and IBS, your diet is definitely going to be tricky. I think it really would…
I lost weight when I was in Italy, the food was amazing but I did a ton of walking and I only ate one big meal a day and then tried to find healthier snacks. I found that many of the meals were portioned differently than in the states, so that helped. They had servings that got you full, but left you feeling content rather…
I am grateful for this thread, as it really is easy to forget how many things to be grateful for. Today, I am grateful for the support I get at home, I am grateful for the means to pay for my gym membership and today I am especially grateful for my mostly functional lungs.
Pearl's Place. It's a dress shop near New Orleans. Terrible awful service from a complete witch. Have sworn to never stand in another wedding that uses them and will not even consider going there for my own.
I absolutely loathe ice cream cake.
You have to get out of the pity bubble. Go out, do things with friends, get your adrenaline pumping. Do things that will not allow you to spend much time letting your mind wander and it will help. The time alone is the worst, like I always had issues in the car when I was by myself after a breakup because there was nothing…
Bumping for next weeks grocery trip. Thanks!!
Bumping for next weeks grocery trip. Thanks!!
This site has a handy table to a ton of different alcohols and the calorie counts in ounces. Keep in mind, a shot is 1.5 ounces, so some of the counts could be higher or lower. My usual safety drinks when I am dieting is either nursing a light beer (bud select usually which is only 55 calories so…
I've been on and off for the last two years. I lost about 50 lbs while doing my best and then like freeoncemore, I got distracted by a boy and lost sight of myself. Now I'm back and have quite a lot that I would be happy to lose so that I look hella amazing and more importantly make sure to live a longer healthier life.…
Personally, when I go into a theater I set my screen to dim and put my phone on vibrate. Sometimes I stick it in my purse, sometimes I put it in my pocket. If I ever notice it going off, I glance at who the message or call is from. I don't have to unlock it to do so and it takes half of a second. If it is something I need…
I did this the last time I got serious, though I did them a bit further apart. I did a mani/pedi as the first one, a ceramic companion cube cookie jar for healthy snacks for the second one, a t-shirt in a smaller size for the third one, a pair of combat boots for the fourth one and unfortunately for me, I didn't get much…
I blame elementary school and high school for this. I only had 30 minutes in elementary and 25 in high school to get from class to the caf, get my lunch, get to our seating area (about a five minute walk away from the cafeteria) and eat lunch. Goodness me if I had something else to get accomplished during lunch. After all…
"My Mom's the only other woman I know who can take a sandwich like that!" Coneheads I think? "The rifle is the first weapon you learn how to use, because it lets you keep your distance from the client. The closer you get to being a pro, the closer you can get to the client. The knife, for example, is the last thing you…