Karey Member


  • Even different on-line application ideas would be appreciated.
  • You look great and dropping that much weight is going to change what makes you female, curves! If you want to change your shape I agree with the majority, lift weights. I am also reading the 17 Day Diet. It starts you at lean meats, fresh veggies, yogurt and a couple servings of yogurt. As you progress grains & legumes are…
  • Face and love handles first then it works its way down. My chest... well it has always been disproportionate and it doesn’t change much, I think that is genetic for me.
  • valerielovett, In March? That is too cool! Don't over do it though... no stress fractures :) Don't do what I did, take is slow if this is your first one. I am hoping to do a scramble in March with my sons. Look up Mt.Hood Scramble on YouTube if you don't know what a scramble is, it looks like a ton of fun. The one I want…
  • shellykayj, I see you want to do a marathon or triathlon... I signed up for a 1/2 marathon in June and a sprint Tri in July. I have a long way to go but I know I can do it; I am sure you can too. Good luck to you! Karey