

  • I mush them up, add a little mayo (light of course) and little mustard and use it as a dip for my veggies...fill a celery stalk with it....yummy!!!
  • I LOVE Jay Robb Tropical Punch Whey protein powder. I like it alone with just milk. But most times I add plain greek yogurt and some frozen mango.....YUMMY!! If I can't drink the entire shake, I freeze the other half and later I have ice cream!! If anyone has any other suggestions, let me know. I can no longer stomach…
  • NEVER too unfit!! There are so many ways to exercise. First things not think of it as excersise!! Think of it as moving. And there are soooo many ways to add the extra "moves" to your day. Simple things.... Start small....park as far away from the door as possible. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Make…
  • Whoot Whoot!! Awesome Job!! Yahhoo!! Kudos to you!! Inspirational!! Worth Sharing!! Keep up the good work!! And keep us posted!!
  • Very powerful!! Thanks for the inspiration!! Everyday is a new day!! I Believe in ME!!
  • I had gastric bypass. Almost 2 years post op. I never did make it all of the way to my goal weight. Let alone what "they" think my goal weight is. And worse than that, at Christmas, I got back into old eating habits, taking a bowl of potato chips to bed with me, fast food and sugar. I have never had any signs of the…