

  • I think I will also wear my hrm all day tomorrow to see what it says.
  • Thanks for all the responses everyone! I am going to change the setting to sedentary. Standing may be better for my muscles but I realize now I am not moving enough to be considered active. I got a hrm monitor and have been putting in less calories than it said I burned because I felt like it was so high and I got so use…
  • Im 5'7 and right now 150. My goal weight is around 135. I've been looking for people around my height and goal weight. I keep losing and gaining back the same 2 lbs for wayyy to long now. Please friend me!
  • I guess I need to change my weight loss goal. I would always try to eat around 1200-1300 calories a day no matter what i did for excersise that day. It scares me to eat more then that....but i need to change something because ive just been setting myself up for failure over and over again.
  • I never really add my excersise on here...i just feels like it gives me so much room and its not realistic to me. i was thinking of getting a heart monitor so i have a more accurate rate of how many calories i burn so i can feel more comfortable putting that number in.
  • Thank you for all the responses :). Ive been feeling like this for so long I've been making myself feel crazy. I feel like a little child. Im afraid to buy certain things, like almond butter for example. I will be fine with it for a week or two and then all of a sudden i will have 5 rice cakes and 4 tbsp of almond butter…
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