

  • amysambora - this is exactly what I have been wondering! MFP is telling me to eat 1200 cals, but my BMR is much higher than that (can't remember exact figure). If the BMR is what I need just for my organs to function, etc. then my daily calorie goal is confusing... Really want to get this figured out!
  • Hi Jenstero, I just started doing the Tracy Anderson method and wondered how you came up with the 700/calories in an hour. Do you have one of those bodybugg things? I have been wondering how to enter this into my diary. I have just been putting it under cardio as "aerobics", but am not sure this is the best/accurate way to…
  • Hi Vivx, I know this is an older thread, but I just saw your post regarding "mummy tummy", as I have it too! :( I wondered if you had checked out Tracy Anderson Method yet? My friend had a baby in August and has been doing the TA Post Pregnancy workout and her mat workout as well and has lost 3 stone!! Thought you might be…
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