

  • Let Chris move without you and see if you still feel the same way about him (the distance will give you a chance to put your relationship in perspective) and perhaps he won't feel the need to check up on you every five minutes if you are living in different areas (what would he do if he couldn't reach you?!?) Also, think…
  • [/quote] ("Well idk come on, she's talented no doubt......HOWEVER ever since Whitney Houston sang the life into the National Anthem..... Everyone else sucks-and I just don't care who sings it. RIP. no one will ever top Whitney.") [/quote] Ditto!
  • Hello everyone! My name is Sheila and I just joined about a week ago...I heard about MFP through DivaSlimsDown's youtube page. I hope this will keep me on the right track... Sheila
  • I told mine that if he wanted me to be at my healthiest than he would have eat what I prepared. I made it clear that I did not need the added temptations of all the cookies that he loves to bake. So far, he is being supportive...
  • No, I haven't heard of it...but good luck! :) I am following "DivaSlimsDown" on youtube and following her example (she went from 300+ pounds down to 157 pounds as of this week).. So far it is working for me...