

  • Yes, check you excercise log, I do a circuit training class that lasts an hour but I don't log an hour as we rest regularly in between circuits so try & work out the exact time of excercise. I have heard it could be muscle gain, especially if you are having so much protein???
  • You have lost an amazing 33 lbs! You should be so proud - it is a big big ask to have no carbs for so long, you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. You can still lose weight with carbs in moderation. Don't beat yourself up, you are far from a failure and you are not going to suddenly gain that weight back over night on a wee…
  • I too am doing the 5:2 lifestyle, since end January. I have noticed recently that even if I am ok calorie wise if I have had too much bread or sweet things, even if it is within my calorie budget, I still won't lose - hard lesson :( I do find the 5:2 way is the only way for me though and I don't see it as a diet rather…
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