tammymichelestrickland Member


  • I think its great that you already have a very physical background... I on the other hand do not... and it makes it sooooo difficult to get off my butt and move... I wish you the best... and yes.. we are all here to help each other!!! so good luck... and I'm here...
  • Hi there... support is soooo important to the weight loss process in my opinion... It is soo great to know that others are right there in the same boat you are.... Always around... good luck!!!!
  • @Happy. hhahaha thats funny.. yes last name... We do seem to have a lot in common.. I have also tried tons of diets...and have also tried weight watchers.. That does work.. but 1 I can't afford it.. and 2 it is so time consuming and difficult sometimes to figure out points... The calorie counter seems to be a great tool..…
  • Hi there. I am new as well. I am overweight however, but also trying to lose weight. I also need to try to find a healthier life style and try to avoid chocolate. It is my weakness also. I cannot ever get motived for the gym either. I am always so tired after work that I can't make myself go. I am hoping the online…