Looking for encouragement, feel free to add me. :)
Anyone else use Garden of Life? Would love get more feedback on this, trying Shakeology for breakfast smoothies but have a canister coming from Amazon for a cheaper meal replacement solution. It's for breakfast smoothies.
You look fantastic, congrats!
It's more the preservatives and the sodium, everything is premade as with many restaurant chains. So it's more how it's prepared, when you have a burger that looks the same years later, it isn't healthy!
RAWR, I'm a tiger!! *lol*
What an inspiring story, you look amazing!
My friend sent me an excellent guide on ketogenic diet from a body building forum and I've been using it as a resource for identifying low sugar foods. But like a previous poster mentioned, it doesn't allow you to eat much fruit, which I enjoy having in my diet. Still, it is encouraged for people who have diabetes or…
Chicken Breast and Tuna are my two favorites, also love the Quest Protein Bars because I can stash them in my desk at work! Greek yogurt is good too and you can mix it with oatmeal or smoothies. Even use it as a sour cream substitute.
Tiramisu! You can make the ladyfingers with almond flour to keep it low carb, ricotta can be used in lieu of mascarpone. I even made a vegan version for some friends a couple weeks ago using tofu and they loved it. Here's a good recipe -