poke987 Member


  • Baby Wilson is 7 months old today... and this morning I was at goal! Yesterday was my official weekly weigh in, and I was 0.2 away... stepped on the scale this am, just for the heck of it, and sure enough... yipeee! Later when I realized it was the 12th, and exactly 7 months after he was born I had to smile!
  • Yes. Little man has a lot to keep up with, he doesn't stop! Crawling and pulling up already. I've got my hands full! My other sons were on this track too, first walked at 9 months. I suspect he will as well! Had a bump in my road with the easter holiday weekend. Had a meal out with my husband, then the holiday itself and…
  • Hi all. I'm still doing well with my loss. I'm within 5 lbs of my goal (1 lb under prepregnancy ) and hopefully going to hit it before my goal date (April 16th, the day we leave for a 4 day weekend with my best friend) I'm in all my regular clothes, finally! Wilson is 6 months and crawls already! I don't get to sit long!…
  • This week's weigh in got me to the "10 lbs to go!" Since I started in October, at the 4 week postpartum mark I've lost 36.6 lbs! It's felt easier, somehow than other times I've lost... don't know if my motivation is just more, or I've gotten "good" at tracking etc. But I'm not having too much trouble staying the course. My…
  • @sarieth05 I agree, you are *that* close to dropping into the 20s! I know I always get a boost when I see a new number!
  • Doing well over here. Just about 20 lbs to go... im my first pair of prepregnancy jeans today (obviously they were big to begin with!) Going to see a friend in april, was hoping to be at goal when we visit... but not sure that's realistic. So I'll take as close as I can get! It's a drag to have to work this hard again...…
  • We use cloth too! My diaper stash is on the third bum, so some is getting g kind of ratty... but I still love them! @ragenhay1 I have a HE washer and solved my routine issues with a cold "soak" cycle before I wash! Hope the new washer helps! I'd actually love to "downgrade" to a top loader!
  • @ragenhay1 way to go! That's fantastic progress! ! @helenmelon29 so glad baby Anna is on the mend! I think that goal is totally doable! @sarieth05 hope shots went well. Good job getting back into the routine!
  • I had that kidney infection then a nasty allergic reaction to the antibiotic they put me on. That was worse than the infection itself! I was out of commission for almost 2 weeks! With Christmas and new years thrown in there... well, things were pretty crazy! But, I'm better now! My treadmill is all set up and I'm loving…
  • Had a wonderful holiday with friends and family. Fantastic food, lots of sitting around and relaxing. Combined with an allergic reaction to the antibiotic I was on for my kidney infection which made for another week of feeling sick .( Still not 100%) I know I'll be way up tomorrow! But, back at it and hopefully I'll see it…
  • Was sick with a kidney infection last week, so dropped more than I would normally in a week. Silver lining to feeling so crummy! Little one is growing like crazy, has found his hands and feet and is a pretty happy smiling little guy! Sleeping pretty well at night, but pretty crappy naps. It's ok though. I feel like I have…
  • Things here are going well. Baby Wilson is doing great and getting so big already! He's huge as compared to my other two little boys! We are getting geared up for the holidays! Doing what I can, when I can! Finding time is the hardest part! Walking and adding short runs in when I can. Im Up to 3 miles, slower than I'd…
  • @helenmelon29 oh no!! So sorry to hear! Glad you all are home and mending! ! @sarieth05 ick. Hope it heals fast! How annoying with the breastfeeding! What's another thing to have to deal with, right?! @ragenhay1 that's fabulous! I'm feeling accomplished with my goals, you should be too! You're doing fantastic! !…
  • @katiebrew, that's super exciting! But I can see how nerve-wracking it must be! So glad to hear baby is sleeping well in her crib! I know how valuable a good night's sleep is! My next (3.5yr old) is the worst sleeper. He's the one killing me right now! @JustAnotherGirlSuzanne it's getting cold here too. We've had a warm…
  • I was pleased with my progress last week even with the holiday! Didn't hit my fitness goals, but for now my goals are really around weight loss anyhow! I know exercise is good for me, and prebaby I had gotten to a place where my goals were mainly fitness oriented... so it's odd to be back to "bottom line" thinking... but…
  • @ragenhay1 I wish our YMCA took the little guys... we can't leave them until 6 months! So I'm trying to walk and run when I can. But we live on a big hill... it's up/down in either direction! Did ok yesterday- maybe too much pie, and certainly some picking at things as I cleaned up the kitchen! But overall I was pleased…
  • I think wilson would be a tummy sleeper if allowed. Thankfully he does OK as long as he's tightly swaddled. Neither of my other boys ever like the swaddle, so this is new to me! I'd love a sleep monitor but not going to buy one now! Thinking this may be our last... I've been okay so far this week. Ran on Monday and was…
  • Goals for the week will be slightly modified with Thanksgiving and family visits! Had a loss this past week but expect I won't this coming one. Would like to maintain however: Walk 2xs Run 2xs 10,000 steps every day Stay under calorie goal 4 days, limit overages on other days by watching portions no snacking! Wilson sleeps…
  • Baby Wilson is doing well! Hope you are enjoying your babies! My little guy was 12 lbs 15 oz at his 2 month well check! I feel like he is huge. He is gaining weight faster than my other 2 did! He is going into 3-6 month sized clothing this week! It's crazy, I have some holiday clothes to return/exchange! He nurses on…
  • Thanks ladies!
  • Hi! I'm Alex. I had my 3rd on Sept 12th. Despite my best intention and much better overall fitness, I gained more than I did with either of my other two. Sigh. While I didn't peak over my highest overall weight, I came darn close! Having lost 60 lbs before getting pregnant it was pretty disheartening to see those numbers…
  • Where are you all going now for postpartum chat and weight loss? I know there was a forum for it, but can't recall the details. Help!
  • Congratulations @sarieth05! Seems like we had many boy baby's this fall!!
  • @NWRIGHT612 congratulations! Enjoy the little peanut!!
  • @JustAnotherGirlSuzanne that's so exciting! Baby will be here so soon!! Had my 6 week follow up today but there was an emergency and I didn't get to see the Dr. So, the nurse and i conferred and I cleared myself for normal activity! I'll go back in 2 weeks for a check up and birth control. Little one is continuing to do…
  • Congratulations @rosieraz
  • @rosieraz that's so exciting! Enjoy these last few days!
  • Wow, I'm glad to hear that after the scares you ladies are doing alright! Hang in there, not much longer! @ NWright612 I'm glad the high blood pressure readings are the only symptom so far! Hope it stays that way! @JustAnotherGirlSuzanne wow! How frightening! Glad all is well with the baby! I've had a few migraine…
  • Hey ladies! My phone /the app were acting up and it took me until yesterday to delete and then reinstall my fitness pal. Now it's working again! Wilson Adler Houston joined our clan 9-12 2 days earlier than our scheduled section. My water broke as we were going to bed 9-11 (the date my husband didn't want to choose for our…
  • One week! The final countdown begins! My mom and grandma came today with cake and a pile of presents. Loads of clothes and some very nice handmade things. I'm so blessed. Feeling good, some Braxton hicks here and there, and pretty good swelling by the end of the day, but nothing too uncomfortable. Back to wicked hot these…