

  • Depending on how hard you work out, it is really a good idea to eat afterwards. Your body is tricky and if you are working out really hard and not eating enough it thinks that you are going through some sort of stressful period and will make your body go into "starvation mode" and it will hold onto the fat more so tan if…
  • It is so hard to keep on track!!! I have started and stopped weight watchers so many times, but I feel like this is so much better. ITS FREE :) lol I like to not think about how much i need to lose, i focus on how I feel and how much i've lost. And sometimes even if your not loosing a lot you may be loosing inches!! So if…
  • Hello! My name is Star. I have 65 pounds to lose, and I really would like to be a part of a supportive group. I have been battling my weight ever since I was in high school and I have never been able to complete my goals. Especially after having my first child, my weight has always been on my mind...SOOO I am now going to…