annbillingsley Member


  • I do this too! It makes me feel like I have a "savings" of calories in my bank. Even if I pre-log and it goes in the red, I am ok with that because I will tweak what I have and how much exercise I do. Sometimes I will not snack during the day and it breaks even. sometimes I end up going over and sometimes I actually find I…
  • Thank you! i talked it over with him. Usually we do that, but he was at work and couldn't really discuss it last night. I am going to set boundaries and try my hardest to stick with them! I am still learning :)
  • Thank you very much! :) I appreciate it! :)
  • I would say it would be healthier than bottling it up and resenting him for it later because it festered. Sometimes a b*tch session is just a b*tch session to blow off steam. I know he complains about me to others as well.
  • Thanks for all the opinions! I really appreciate them! I know it is NOT the best place to air things out, but seeing as it was during a weekend at night, my counselor was not handy and all my friends were in bed, so I had no one to talk to personally. I had a controlling, manipulative and abusive husband. I am still trying…
  • Oh, ok! Thanks for the heads up! I asked him to block me when we first joined just so we can each ask questions on the boards without seeing it. :( didn't know we'd even be able to see these!!!
  • and in case you are wondering how I knew about his posts even though we are blocked from each other, it was because after he posted, he expected people would tell him he was right on and I was a witch. he did NOT get the response he wanted, to he came to me and pouted and sulked about it.
  • I will get some opinions and try to formulate a way in which to broach the topic in a way that is the most tactful. Saying "I am not your mom, so you are in charge of what goes into your mouth" probably won't be a good conversation starter. lol :)
  • No, I have him blocked. I believe we each have our own journey to become healthier people.
  • Thanks for the replies so far. I had been hoping I wasn't being mean or unsupportive. It is nice to have at least SOMEONE agree with me. I was feeling like cr@p because he says I want him to fail if I won't do it. It isn't that I want him to fail, I just have a hard enough time keeping track of my own food issues plus…
  • In my case, my bf insisting I change my entire way of shopping, cooking and eating was a HUGE trigger for my eating issues. I HAD to face them in order to cook healthier instead of just sticking my head in the sand and eating like calories didn't matter. the OP's wife, from how he made it sound, seems like she has issues…
  • I agree!!!! He needs to look at it from HER point of view as much as she needs to look at it from HIS. I lost 200 lbs and I can tell you personally that how I felt for my then-husband changed because my self-esteem went way up. What I put up with at 451 lbs was NOT what I put up with at 251 lbs. I know from experience that…
  • No offence taken :) LOL, I never said I was in the right or logical. I have issues with food, which is why I am here in the first place lol. I don't force anyone to eat what I cook. I cook what MOST people in the house will eat and enjoy. But I also cook on a budget, and cannot afford to make every one of them a separate…
  • I LOVED this! I am a stay-at-home-mom and I could not have said it better! Cooking is a form of affection and if my kids or bf do not like what I cooked, it is a blow to me emotionally and if they loved what I cooked, then I feel proud of myself and that I accomplished something. It is my pat-on-the-back!
  • I would personally be offended if my bf talked to me like that. I take a lot of time and effort into to trying to balance healthy meals with tasty ones everyone in the house will enjoy. She is a full-time care-giver, so you basically told her she isn't doing a good enough job and want to "fire her" as the cook. Also, you…
  • I am here in New Brunswick! :)
  • 5'6" SW on MFP: 275 size 26/28 (3-4xl)**** CW: 245 size 22-24 (2-3xl) GW: 180 have NO idea what size that would be, but my goal size is 16/18 because I have not been that size since 5th or 6th grade!! ****My heaviest recorded weight was 451 lbs, so I have a lot of extra skin, which completely skews my stats. My face,…
  • I just gotta say that I love this thread! I was feeling guilty and anxious over how I was going to eat on my vacation in 3 weeks (a cruise to Bermuda). while it will be an entire "free week", there are many more healthy weeks ahead of it. My entire life I have so thought diet=deprivation and it has failed every time. I am…
  • Thank you to everyone who responded so far! I am slowly working through them, so I apologize if it takes me a while! I get my kiddos back tomorrow afternoon, so my free time will be limited during the day until school starts next week. I appreciate everyone's kind words!!! makes me wanna cry, but in a good way!!!!! I feel…
  • Thank you, Dave. I also think when it ends, it ends. I just came back from a walk and before I did, my self-talk was geared toward making my mom proud of me. I had been losing weight until May, when too much "life" happened and I didn't have enough energy to pay attention to everything. I gained 20 of the 30 I just lost in…
  • Thank you Nicolette! I am sorry for your losses as well!
  • The thought in our culture is "thinner is better". Only YOU know what you feel MOST comfortable with. you can be 150 lbs and be healthier than a 120 lb person with the same dimensions as you. if YOU feel better about the person staring back at you at a heavier weight, there is no reason to gow lower just to reach some…
  • interesting topic! even at 451 lbs mine were still prominent! hmmmm.....
  • I think it is a bit of being rude AND being oversensitive. You should feel proud you are small enough that people cannot tell if you are pregnant or carrying extra weight. I have had 2 children and I carry my extra weight mainly in my stomach and NO ONE could tell I was pregnant AT ALL! When I finally lost enough weight…
  • ^^^^this! Vegans/veges usually CHOOSE not to eat meat and/or dairy products. There is no difference...both groups are choosing ingredients they like!
  • today was my weigh-in and I stayed the same. had boatloads of ham and some chocolate. 2 days of the week I went over my net calories, but never over "maintenance" calories. 3rd week of not losing, so I know I am in for a "whoosh" when the sodium finally lets go!
  • I wear my pants in the natural indent where my waist is...between my hip bones and my rib cage. I know...foreign to think in this day and age women wore pants that actually covered their butt-crack! lol! the bulge is caused when you sit down in normal-waisted jeans (or if you wear them too small it sticks out all the time…
  • young women wouldn't know this, but those of us who wore pants that fit in our formative years instead of the manly low-riders have is known as midriff bulge. basically muffin top for ppl who wear their pants at their waist instead of wearing pants to show off their whale tail and tramp stamp. as far as getting…