bevaroo117 Member


  • Canadjineh, how do I find the Gluten Free group? Can you post a link?
  • I'm not surprised you tested negative- unless you have gluten in your system the blood tests will always be negative. I'm surprised your doctor let you test without putting gluten back into your diet. That's why I'm doing this "gluten challenge," to make sure I have gluten in my system before getting the blood test.
  • I'm waiting on blood test results for Celiac... do you mind if I ask what symptoms you had leading up to the diagnosis? I discovered a serious gluten senstitivity after doing a Whole 30. I highly recommend doing one to kick your bread addiction. I was about to cut gluten out of my life forever until my doc asked me to do a…
  • Eating peanut butter sandwiches and Ensure doesn't sound very healthy to me. Just because it's "whole grain bread" doesn't necessarily make it healthy. HealthiER, perhaps. You need to eat some fresh produce! I rarely "cook" and eat very healthy. I prefer to stick to what I call "assembly" rather than cooking. Here's a…
  • I am a tofu fanatic, I love the texture. Here is my favorite way to prepare it, based off what WBB55 suggested. I call the technique "dry fry." When you cut the tofu block, cut so that you have 4-5 long, thin rectangle slices: Step 1: drain / cut as WBB55 directed: I like my "bite-sized pieces" to be like little triangles-…