

  • i'm not pregnant. but when i was pregnant with all 3 kids, i was gestational diabetic. i wish i had known about this back then. it really gives you a reality check of what your intake is. i gained 40 with my first. 20 with my 2nd ... and the 3rd... i gained 3 lbs till the last 4 weeks. then i gained an additional 6. that…
  • well.... i am laughing hard at this.... because... i've lost my brain... i really thought a bald eagle weighed more than that. and i'm only trying to lose this SPARE TIRE!! (20lbs)
  • my guess would be you have shin splints. i'm former military and it is relatively common for new soldiers to get them. happens when you start running more than you are used to. they do go away, but can really take time. motrin helps. start by lowering your workout on your legs, but don't stop. ice when you can and a few…
  • oh dear baby jesus no. LOL. i'm an army wife and there is a huge stigma that all we ever do is sit around and eat those things. nope, twinkies is not how i got fat in the first place. but they are supposed to be back on shelves 15 july. which ironically is the first day of the miliary grocery store furlough closings.
  • my husband is one of those that can eat marshmallows and kit kats all day and look great. he sucks lol. he also used to have a high Dr Pepper addiction. all i can say, is make the changes in your self and hope he follows. if you insist on being his mother and treating him as a child, then set the example. and like most…
  • i saw something like this on pinterest. basically open can, dry, add seasoning, place in oven. however... the things popped and jumped in the oven. landing on the oven bottom and burnt. then the house filled with smoke and a just lovely odor. anyone who has actually done this, want to tell me what in the world i did wrong?
  • yes i know they have egg in them. guess i should have been more pin point. i can eat eggs, just don't like the taste of a big mouth full of eggs. i've tried. trust me, i've tried every which way to mask them, but if the main part is egg, i just can't choke it down. they are squishy. it's a texture thing. same with the…
  • lintino, that is a good one i will try. things i like in a healthier format. i love to bake so i will check out that recipe RM10003 thanks everyone. i figure once i put together a food plan for a few days, i will be better suited to hit this hard and heavy
  • many years ago, before the babies, i lost 19lbs simply by changing breakfast to oatmeal. i still like oatmeal but burnt myself out on it. i do make it my breakfast about twice a week.
  • there are so many things i simply don't like to eat, that are probably really good for me. yogurt and eggs for example. and truth is, outside of carrots, corn and peas. i haven't tried many veggies, but i know i don't like onions and mushrooms. LOVE milk, spinach is ok. i know i NEED to have a warm breakfast to feel right…