

  • Congrats on the weight loss! Lowering carbs and increasing fat works wonders. We paleo/primal people are superior fat burners! On the topic of coffee, I will offer some advice, because my discovery of it has amped up my fat intake and energy levels. Has anyone tried Bulletproof Coffee?…
  • I had the same trouble. I now aim to not exceed 75g a day, but that's a WORST case scenario. Honestly, I dropped my carb g's to around 50 and increased my fat intake and I experienced feeling fuller, burned more stored fat, and just overall feeling much better. My daily goals are currently: 56g - carbs 108g - fat 75g -…
  • I've been primal/paleo for the last 3 years. Lost 50lbs. Maintained for a while. Now i've amped it back up and I'm gonna lose another 20. I'm 5'6" and 171 (175 when i started using myfitnesspal again). I'm gonna try and be rigorous is my posting of my foods...although sometimes it's hard to calculate the nutritional value…