

  • I understand entirely where the OP is coming from. My way of dealing with the shock to the system is to tell myself that feeling empty is ok and won't harm me for the short time I feel it. Hunger, however, if it is genuine (and I really have to examine myself to be sure it is if a meal is not due) means it's time to eat…
  • I understand why WW takes this approach. It encourages you to eat more f&v thereby (hopefully) eating less of other not-so-good stuff. But I log pretty much everything and I think it's important to do so. And just as importantly in my book is that if I'm eating at home, I weigh pretty much everything. Except salad leaves…
  • Cold roast beef 150g with all the fat trimmed off, sweet bistro salad leaves with grated carrot, cucumber, cheery tomatoes and chopped capsicum, Hellmans Lighter Than Light Mayo, and maybe a few small boiled new potatoes. Deeeelish!
  • Jakkidoodles mother says - you are mistaken! I am NOT (always) ravenous by 10am!! I am often peckish by around 10.30, in which case it's a piece of fruit which usually sees me through to lunch. By one o'clock I AM hungry. So then, I eat. The consensus seems to be not everyone appreciates breakfast. I agree with the OP.…