

  • When I go out to eat I pull the resaurant up on line to look at the menu. A lot of them are posting nutritional information as well. I know (or have a pretty good idea of) what I'm ordering when I walk in. When my meal comes I imediately ask for a to go box and put half of it way before I take the first bite.....Pays to…
  • Hi!! Just want to let you know you've hit the jack pot when it comes to lifestyle changing websites. I joined in January to help me push through a wall I couldn't get past. I lost 50 lbs in a year but have 25 left to loose and it's becoming much more difficult than before. I the supportiveness (sp?) of the other members is…
  • I generally loose about a 1 to 1.5 a week. Some weeks I loose 2 but those are the weeks I feel deprived in some way. I don't like feeling that way so I'm happy with less. I haven't set any type of goal date to loose so much weight. Slow and steady is fine. It took me year to loose the first 50.
  • Polar is a very good HRM you can probably find one for a little over $100 if you don't want alot of bells and whistles. You need to read the discription for each one. There are a few under $100 but they may not give calories burned. I think polars web site is Or check out Sports Authority on line. I'm getting…
  • Try Smuckers natural peanut butter on your oat meal. Yes it fat but it's the healthy fat. I'm not sure how the greek yogurt would taste on the oatmeal. Maybe if you followed a previous suggestion by another and sprinkled cinnimon then maybe add a little honey. I mix organic greek honey yogurt w/ kashi mountain medley…
  • Yay!!! So happy for you!! I think everybody has that moment when it just clicks and your mind and your body both agree that it's time. Good Luck to you, I wish you well!!!
  • I go through just about everything you see suggested here so far and 99% of the time something suggested here will work....some times I have to try a couple of different things together. Then there is that one percent where nothing works....I will only cave into one serving. I read the lable on the bag or box and measure…
  • For me it was having to link 4 large safety pins together because I couldn't zip up the zipper up on a size 16 skirt. It just killed me because I had nothing or no one to blame it on but me. My kids are in they're late teens and early 20's and I had no problem losing weight after having them. In fact I was in the best…
  • I love the bar code scanner thingy!!!!!!
  • I live by my Polar HRM!! You have to remember to change you weight as you drop weight or it's not accurate. MFP and my treadmill estimates are way off from my HRM. They are worth the investment!!!
  • Cape Coral, Florida and right now we're in the 60's but expecting 70's by weeks end.