

  • I've been wanting to try Wrecking Balm, its just so expensive! I've read stories online of ppl using like an apricot scrub and a bleaching cream, and I'm a licensed estetician so I've debated on doing chem peels on mine. I'll let u know if/when I get a chance to do that! Its at least way cheaper than a $160 session of…
  • WELCOME! =]
  • Thats only at first, then after ur water intake flushes you out, you'll pee less cuz your body is actually gonna use the water. Its great for your skin and you'd be surprised how little you pee (how much your body retains) after the initial change. When your pee is practicallly clear (like water) thats when you know :]
  • I've found that too! Except not just cold water. ANY water...any idea why that is? All I drink is water and I heard somewhere that your body absorbs its more efficiently when its room temp, so thats how I drink it. Maybe when you chug it is when you get the nausea?
  • You just reminded me that I need a tape measure to take my measurements and keep track! Thanks :]
  • Sounds good! What is dirty about it??? Do you really taste the mustard? I'm not a huge fan thats why I ask. What type of cheese did you use? And do you think this would work with frozen spinach?
  • Very good point! I dont want diarheaa or to be cracked out, I guess I wanted something extra to boost my weight loss. But in reality, you all had wonderful advice: tried and true! Like the rabbit and the tortoise I guess LoL. I am losing weight constant and steady, just at a very snail-y pace! But thats more long term than…
  • This receipe is vegetarian, however I swap some of the veggie broth for chicken and even add some chicken into it sometimes. Its a super yummy soup and filling too! Plus there's so much room to be creative and make ur own changes, like if you don't have all the ingredients. =]…
  • I think you were right! As you can see, a few days later (if that) I dropped 6 pounds so I've lost a total of 3 since I started. YAY! =]
  • Im not sure, but personally, I dont get thirsty all that often. I've been trying to keep a bottle/cup full next to me at all times so its always there. Yenno how sometimes you have a huge soft drink or milkshake or something, and you keep sippin on it cuz its in your hand, not cuz you really want it or are even thirsty?…
  • I have been wondering this too! Because I just finished my first week yday and for some reason I gained 4 pounds! What am I doing wrong?! My app says that I should be at 1250 cals per day to lose 2 pounds a week but then it warns me about starvation mode. I'm a lil discouraged, to say the least :(