

  • I have an article saved somewhere on my computer about how to rehabilitate a heel spur on the tread mill. I had tried everything I suffered over a year the ice the ball the rolling the shots the shoes the inserts did it all no relief. When I stumbled across this article and followed it..wallla pain gone..I need to find…
  • Agreed. With my heel spur, I am doing high intensity circuit truing, TRX circuits, minimual rest. No jumpping or pressure on the feet. It is frustrating not to hit the treadmill, elliptical etc...but I still feel good and burn the calories. I am resting until I heal, only way to stay in the gym for the long run.
  • Well, I have a heel spur. Same thing, heel pain :(...along with planter fascists. I finally could not take it and went to the podiatrist. Hard to get over. If anyone has recommendations I'll take them as well. I had a cortisone shot. Was fitted with orthopedic sport inserts. I stretch, wear a night split and ice. I was…
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