lissabee4 Member


  • Just to update from my last post....about two weeks after I posted the original response in March, I discovered I was pregnant and now we're expecting the arrival of our daughter in a couple of weeks. Now my husband is all about having a 'basketball team'...and I'm like 'whoaaa big fella'. lol Looking back, I believe just…
  • I conceived naturally surprising back in Feb 2013. We're closing in on our due date, 12 weeks to go. In 2012, I dropped 50 lbs. I exercised about 3-4 times a week for 30-45 minutes per session. Most of the weight loss was not due to exercise, but due to diet. I dramatically increased my raw foods intake by doing weekly…
  • When I look back at my High School pictures, my mustache is in some cases thicker than the guys. No one ever said anything (not parents, family, friends, schoolmates, teachers, nurse, etc.) to me about it until I was what I consider 'adult dating' around the age of 22. One guy pointed it out in a loud, obnoxious kind of…
  • My husband and I are just trying...I am a firm believer that when it's time, it's time. It may be weird but I'm comforted by the fact that I've met women in their 40s having children naturally from conception to delivery. I'm about to hit 31 and although my doctor wants me to get it going before 35, I really haven't put…
  • The push-ups...I do the beginner version and I still burn out fast. Next are the the arm raises...I am ready to drop the weights by the second cycle.
  • Thanks for the Monday pants idea even though I'm a Friday gal. You're right about toned and a little heavier than light and fluffy.
  • Definitely, you'll have days where you veer off your path. You just get right back on. I've known how to lose weight for a long time and I've gone up and down and up and down. Why? Because I didn't give myself a break when I got off course. I became so DISTRACTED and CONSUMED by what I felt was a devastating day that I…
  • Originally from Greenville, at Wake Forest in Winston-Salem, NC
  • Greetings! I am returning to my natural state. My last relaxer was April 2012. My hair goes down my back so I don't see myself doing a big chop anytime soon. I can't see myself with short hair. Currently since I am outside of the US, I use pure coconut oil, olive oil, and jojoba oil in my hair to moisturize and protect it…
  • Awesome...I literally just finished Day 1 of Level 1. I made it through although I had to take a break on the push-ups and put down the weights in the last circuit. I'm looking forward to improving day-to-day. I'm glad to hear that others are starting about the same time as me.