mamiejay Member


  • Not sure why you'd pay for the WW online. WHen I did it, the meetings were helpful as a weekly weigh in goal date, and in some other ways. The online portion was helpful for looking stuff up and recipes, but they made that more and more difficult, and the last time I went to WW the points sytem had changed yet again and…
  • Hey there - that's exactly why I think they ought to change it so it does not show as a red, scary "overage!" I changed mine in my "goals" settings to 30. I still go over that sometimes too. But anyway yeah I think having a lot of fiber generally only HELPS with the weight loss, and would never hurt it! on "Weight…
  • I figured it out - it's under "goals" not settings.
  • Thanks everyone for the input. Can someone tell me how to reset the max on the fiber? All I see on my settings that I can change is just whether I see the different nutritional elements. I don't see anything that shows me how to actually change the number. I still think they should maybe change some of the "overage"…
  • Honestly the Fiber one has never given me any problems with gas or diarrhea, even when I have eaten a pretty large amount. Don't know why - maybe I have a tough constitution!
  • Ah, I was not aware you could reset your macros. Still unfamiliar with some of this. But why would the fat be considered a minimum? That and the carbs I try to watch along with the calories when I'm logging stuff.
  • Thank you, I didn't think so either. I guess if you have certain dietary conditions you might want to watch those things, but I am kind of curious how MFP comes up with the totals. I believe they are considered a maximum for some things, but a minimum for others? I read on Web MD that women "need" 25 grams per day, but MFP…