I have to agree with that a person who has not 1st hand suffered mental illness has no right to judge how you make yourself better. Admitting there is a problem to yourself is so very very difficult, and admitting it to others takes a mass amount of strength. It is a positive first step into recovery! Good for you!…
Let's warm up our muscles going swimming at the lake, then get an awesome massage!
Mountain House (Basically Tracy!)
I find all the mean ladies here disturbing.... Dear Miss, I definitely experience cravings when I'm at that time. I find it makes sense to give in, in healthier ways, and kudos to the other women on here suggesting the same! So I'll make a similar list here to some yummy indulgences! Fat! Avocado stuffed with shrimp egg…
You do not always need to be in a relationship or seek constant affection. Love yourself. DON'T DO ECT!!! Don't let doctors convince you the side effects will be worth it in the end, there are no magic pills. No more third-tenth chances for people. Give them the benefit of the doubt once, but don't be a fool. One more…
I hit my peak recently, due to lack of exercise, unhealthy eating habits, and medication side effects. But next year is going to be a very big year for me, and I finally took to heart that the only way to balance my mental disorders and emotional states is to go for whole body and mind wellness, not just take a bunch of…