

  • Hiya #1 Dont worry you are not alone in feeling scared of the scale. I hate it, I call it names, and frequently want to smash it into a million pieces but you are however going to want to get a base weight. Even if you do not get on the scale for 1 month after that its a wonderful feeling when you know that starter weight…
  • Oh I so agree!!! All those little things that should but don't...Like running around my house after the kids or carrying them around once their tired does that give me an extra calorie boost, course not. Not eating that apple crisp that my sister offered me the rest of in the movie theater the other day... Getting dunkin…
  • What types of food do you enjoy? Its hard to recommend something when you don't know what the person likes so tell me some of your favorite food types, what you used to snack on if given the option and I will try and come up with some healthy alternatives for you :)
  • I have horrible stretch marks too so thanks for the nice way of looking at it. My problem is the extra skin which I have been told will never go away unless there is surgery involved. Arg!