vwpyland Member


  • "How many calories does a 4 minute tabata session burn on average? I have guessed it is about 50?" Don't laugh at me, but I did try to research this. Those who are pro-Tabata say that one 4-minute session can burn about the same as a 60 min steady state cardio session, so maybe around 300-400 calories. Of course that…
  • For those of you eating 1600 or 1800 cals a day, what are you eating, might I ask? I am eating low carb, but seem to often end up hovering between 1200-1400. I'm not really hungry, though. Wondering if I should pad what I am eating a bit more, but if so, with what.
  • Santhony79, I would be happy to share tips with you, but I don't think this is the right thread. Feel free to start one, and I will try to chime in.
  • I completely understand that mentality. In the short term, this type of structure allows me to gain control of my sugar addiction and ease back into moderate eating--as opposed to the rampant free-for-all I was in over the holidays. I understand that by and large, most might be leery of such extreme options, but for me…
  • I am surprised by how cut and dry everything seems in these replies. I guess it is good to know that everyone else knows exactly how to lose weight, and are having 100% success with that. Guess that's why we are all here, right, because we have it all figured out? LOL! I was just sharing my experience, as it seemed that…
  • I'm sure there are different approaches to everything. However, my experience with the Dukan diet is that it is NOT a starvation diet. Of course any diet would be a starvation diet if you deprived yourself. I am re-doing the Attack phase and am on Day 2. I am not new to low-carb eating, and I am drinking loads of water.…