scubamaja Member


  • Thank you all for you opinions, I appreciate all. Good luck, whatever journey you'll take. You are in charge! You are in control!
  • you need to read the messages right, you are mistaking. BTW-I am way
  • No, You assuming wrong. I ask for other people experience in juicing, thats all. Im sorry that juicing did not worked for you. Unfortunately" Eat less, move more" doesn't work so simple, not for me.
  • yepp, google it
  • Wow your grandma must be wild! We talking about juicing, stay focused.
  • Avocados, Nuts, seeds and protein based plants
  • So anybody actually has experience with juicing? I see a lot of opinions, but not 1 with experience. So if somebody has a question please feel free to contact me, I am more than happy to share my experience. For everybody else, good luck with your own battle.
  • lol...enjoy!
  • Thank you for your comments but I did my researches, thats why I am so successful.
  • Whats your question?
  • too...funny. Do you think that if you constantly drink alcohol and eat processed food and shovel mcdonalds and taco bell in your belly, your liver and kidneys will be able to detox all the toxics & chemicals in your body? Absolutely not. You getting sick, take medication for the liver which has an effect on other organs…
  • Why do you think that?
  • ....another "I just want post something"-Who is actually bored? But like your picture- your comment is brainless. Since you are pre judging here is my day:, I am getting up at 5 o'clock in the morning, 1 hour gym, food preparing, go to work and after work going to the gym for 1.5hr, cooking dinner, watch movie go to bed.…
  • just like to post..but has nothing to say...
  • I will keep juicing and smoothies as part of my meals, I will add shrimps, salmon and chicken to dinner and eat veggies and fruits ( I m not really a salad fan, but I drink it, if its juiced lol). There are plenty of receipes on rebootwithjoe, youtube and google. I still will do my excercise and will repeat a short juicing…
  • That's absolutely fine. Juicing vs blending. You will find a lot infos on that. You can do smoothies as well. Do you know that you get protein through a lot of plant based food? I just learn that as well, since I am getting really deep into that topic. When to juice and when to do smoothies? Juicing=When you want to detox…
  • Thank you, that's so sweet. You have to live a healthy lifestyle. Juicing is not a magical fix as someone said. Its a reboot. You can not go back to your old habbits, the old habbits brought you overweight in the first place. You have to change your lifestyle into a healthy one, in order to keep it off and do your…
  • I am sorry that you did not liked the movies. but I appreciate your opinion, and you are right, juicing is not a long term diet. It is to reboot your system and 'awake" your metabolism. I already had an healthy lifestyle before, thats why I've lost 22lbs before. Juicing will always be a part of my lifestyle, eat real food…
  • I don't know if you talking about me, but I am on MFP since over 1 year. I am not talking about a magical fix, I am talking about my experiences and like to share. You don't have to like what I am saying, you don't even have to be here in that forum, if that topic doesn't interest you.
  • Thank you, I was sceptical in the beginning too. I asked myself, Am I hungry, am I tired, Am I craving is my digestion? Can I do 2x day my gym? And you should ask yourself. I was thinking, I will try it for just 3 days, than I thought ok.. 7 then 15....its kinda extend automatically...because you feel great,…
  • Thank you for your concern, however I am doing exactly what works for 100, even 1000 years, fruit, veggies and do excercise. The movies actually explain that very well. Loosing weight through reboot/detox your body is just a great side effect, more importantly it is the health benefits. You don't have to agree, and I can…
  • I am doing this: Eating all 3 hours!!!!! 8:00 am Breakfast: low sugar apple-oatmeal, cinnemon, flaxseed, truvia and mixed with bit of water 11:00 am Snack: frozen fruit mix smoothie with a little bit water & 0.25 scoop of WHEY Strawberry protein powder 2 pm lunch: lettuce, tomatoes, tuna/salmon, cheese, low sugar dressing;…