Chaelarich Member


  • Finally set to graduate with my Bachelor's in December!! After transferring 4x between 3 dif schools... :-/ lol finally getting to the light at the end of the tunnel!
  • I'm kayla :) soon to be 24! feels so weird to say that... lol finally done with school for the summer! time to buckle down at the gym :) anyone can feel free to add me!
  • Another good one is frozen banana with chocolate soy milk!! Blend it right up...makes like a sorbet. Adding peanut butter to it is yummy as well!
  • Don't look at it as a "cheat." You wanted it, you made the choice to eat it, Own it. Do you plan to go the rest of your life without eating chips and dip?! People need to stop reading into the "fad diets" looking for quick fixes to drop weight. It's a life long thing. It's about retraining yourself to eat everything in…
  • If i could figure out how to put a picture on here, I would show them! Sooo ur jus gonna have to go look at my pics... lol :) but my eyes and smile seem to be my best assets.
  • Definately just posted along these same lines a lil while ago.... weird! haha Maybe i should read posts before posting?! I am 23. Currently attending school fulltime, as well as working. Looking for some support and motivation from fellow 20-somethings. Down 16 lbs in 4 weeks, and still a long road ahead of me.... soo Add…