

  • Shin splints are cause by the shearing action on your shins when you launch. The root cause can be traced back to the foundation or your weak feet. If you look in the mirror you will probably see that one of your knes are bowed out your one hip is lower and the opposite shoulder sits lower. Running or pounding a misaligned…
  • Flat feet ,fallen arches, pronation are caused by weak atrophied foot muscles. Orthotics ( ) are a brace designed to permanently immobilize the atrophied foot and fitted shoes are full of devices to accommodate your dysfunctional feet. Mark and Bruced are 100% correct with…
  • Flat feet. The forty intrinsic foot muscles that have been cushioned,supported and braced ( ) which are responsible for your arch are now in an atrophied dysfunctional state. Permanent bracing of dysfunction ,injured, deformed muscles or joints was abandoned in the early…
  • When making a decision on how to treat your daughters flat feet you need to understand that flat feet are caused by one thing. Weak, atrophied foot muscles. There are forty intrinsic foot muscles that are responsible for the height and more importantly the strength and functionality of the foot. These foot muscles need to…
  • Your feet are simply out of shape. your pain has nothing to do with genetics. There are over 100 muscles,tendons and bones in your foot and you have cushioned,supported and braced (orthotics) them from birth. All you have to do treat your feet the same way that you are treating the rest of your body,with exercise.When the…
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