yuletide7 Member


  • Please, feel free to email me. I have a degree in Sports Med and worked in a Sports Med PT clinic for years. If I can help I will.
  • Did your PT try laser or GUS therapy or cross friction massage? Those can both be very helpful. The massage you can do at home, it will be painful but helpful to decrease the "bump" and the "creaking" (which is crepitus and is essential just the movement of gases in the tissues but with you is the inflammation). It…
  • Could be a heel spur, doubt it is a stress fx, not the right spot. Go to a Sports Medicine Orthopedic vs a podiatrist.
  • I have had many patients with this ongoing problem and the first thing I do is analyze their feet and gait pattern. If you have high or low arches and are not wearing the proper foot wear to support those, it could be a major issue. Do you have a store that specializes in running sneakers? They are usually a good option.…