

  • Hi there jalloggio! Thank you for offering your services and expertise. My question is this. I have had four children and the last two were c-sections.With this being said I have the infamous poocj or as I call it the "the happy shelf" my lower abdomen is very weak and not toned at all. It is the most unattractive part of…
  • I have always been complimented on my eyes, and I do know that I have pretty eyes. All of my daughters have my same shape and color eyes too! I will have to say that as a teenager and young adult growing up I detested my butt, it always seemed to follow me wherever I went! lol! I can appreciate my healthy butt now and…
  • Awesome! Thanks for sharing! Question for you. Besides your daily calorie goal. When you workout and you earn extra calories for the activity you do, do you specifically eat those calories you've earned or do you just eat your minimum calories? I have not realy been eating those extra calories and when I log for the day it…
  • Oh and it would be so hard to choose , but pizza and wings would be lovely!
  • Ihaven't technically had a real cheat day yet. I have only been logging for 6 days so far. I feel good and am just learning what a true portion size is. I think I may wait a while before I have a real cheat day or meal. How long did everyone wait before they had their cheat meals?
  • I was hesitant at first on doing this, but this site is so very user friendly and it is very easy and I was quick to learn that certain things I was "snacking on" were so high in calories, no wonder I couldn't lose and kept adding the pounds on! Hang in there! You can do this and trust me once you get to a point where you…