chacokat27 Member


  • Which half marathon training plan are you using? My local running groups have already started training for our upcoming marathon in May, so I am on my own. It's my first one so I am getting guidance from different ppl, but i need a program. The only one that I have found is the Hal Hidgon program. Will this be your first…
  • I'm late on this, but my Feb goal is to become a stronger runner and drink more water ( 1 glass an hour). I have intentions on running a half marathon in May and I am not a strong runner at all. So the other half of my goal is to find a training plan that I can stick to and build me up to the 13.1 miles I need to finish…
  • Yeehaw!!!! Thanks for starting this up again. You are awesome!!! December Week 1 Goal: 3500 Day 1: 0 calories burned (how they were burned) Day 2: calories burned (how they were burned) Day 3: calories burned (how they were burned) Day 4:calories burned (how they were burned) Day 4: calories burned (how they were burned)…
  • I have gotten in the habit of using spark people website for recipes ( I haven't had any problem finding a healthy alternative to what ever meal I decided to make. Plus all of the nutrition facts are there, which makes it easier to keep track of your food intake goals. Hope this helps.
  • I did not meet my October goal, but I am still fighting. I have decided to not weigh myself every week. Instead I will track it once a month for a little while. I've been getting lots of compliments at the gym, so something must be working. Maybe my scale is in denial :). My goal for November is to tackle a new class at…
  • Hello everyone!!!! My name is Rose and I am 36 years old. I've been on a weight lost roller coaster for over 10 years now. My lowest weight was 150 lbs and my highest has been 220lbs. I want this time to be it and I am confident that it will be. Besides losing the weight I have adjusted my thinking; I am committed to a…
  • All of the classes at my gym are Les Mills. I do CX works, RPM, Body Step and Body Pump. I am also a TRX junkie.