babygirl0321 Member


  • Last week I gained 3lbs. I didn't do great this week but i am definitely back on track!!! :) This morning I weighed in at 139.4!! I AM FINALLY BACK IN THE 130s!!!
  • I just put in my final weight for the St. Patty's challenge. I didn't meet my goal but i did lose a total of 7lbs in those 4 short weeks :) My starting weight for this challenge is 140.4 and I hope to be 125 by Memorial Day :) That will put me at the weight I wanted to achieve when I joined this site... But I won't stop…
  • I didn't quite meet my goal for this challenge but I did loose 7lbs!! I am excited to start the Memorial Day challenge :) See you there.
  • I am in :) I weigh in on Sundays already and will log my final weight for the 4 weeks to St. Patty's day challenge/my starting weight for this, then. I am excited for another challenge. :)
  • Hey! My name is Tiffany. I am very new to this site. I have had the app on my phone since last Tuesday but didn't seriously and consistently start tracking my food until yesterday. My initial weigh in is 150 lbs. I am 5'4" and want to ultimately loose about 25 lbs. I am getting married at the end of June and would love to…