

  • Mine started with being called in for jury duty. Something very simple, very bland. Except none of my nicer dress clothes really fit, and those that did tended to bulge horrendously. Then there was the fact that I had to go upstairs, and by the time I got into the courtroom with everyone else, I was gasping and wheezing.…
  • Kind of a geeky dork here. Definitely socially inept and random about my loves. Example - I read the Eve Dallas series, which a lot of sci fi folks have snickered over. I played EQ and EQ2 over WOW. I love RP and follow it more than the gaming, apparently. Oh and I'm super into the steampunk deal. So definitely a dork. On…
  • I've upped my jogging percentage from 2 minutes to 3 without stopping.