brendayaw Member


  • LOL Love It :laugh:
  • Tue 01/29/13 11:49 AM Here's a quick and fun way to meet like minded fitness buddies! Fill out the survey, then come back later and add the peopke with similar goals! Age: 53 Gender: F Married? yes Kids? yes Goal weight: 160 Current weight: 236 Height: 5'6" Favorite exercise: eliptical Least favorite exercise: abs Pets?…
  • Hi, I'm 53 been going through menopause for years and started gaining weight because of it in addition to quitting smoking several times which packed on the pounds very quickly :sad: So I really need ideas/support of what is working for other women. It seems if I don't eat carbs or sweets I lose weight, but it's really…
  • LOL YAH for YOU!!!!!:happy: