Potato chips and french fries.
I can relate. My upper body is slim - small boobs, flat stomach but I have these massive thighs and a behind for days. My thighs and hips are slowly getting smaller though. I can't wait until I have made enough progress to post pics.
Closed diaries, hardly eating and ignorant status updates.
I'm in! About 19 pounds to go. :) Looking for active friends, feel free to add me.
Too many IPAs and glasses of syrah.
I'm in! Catching up, so I just knocked out day 1 and 2. Will handle day 3 later today.
I like carrots and hummus. :)
Old thread but just what I needed to read tonight. Thank goodness.
I've told my a few few family members and a couple friends. Everyone is super supportive and I think talking to them keeps me encouraged.
Bumping this. So far MFP has been great. 4 pounds down. I would really like to add a few friends on here. Open to everyone. Thanks.
Strong cologne/perfume - makes it much harder to breathe. Other than that, I try to block everyone else out.
Another bay area person here - in Berkeley. Hello!
Just started drinking mine black. I like a little creamer but I'm giving black coffee a chance for awhile.
I am definitely a pear and just started here. I would love to hear from others as well.
I'm 5'5, currently 162. My goal is 135.
The Bay Area, California
My husband and I pay a total of $60 at 24 Hour Fitness. It's $35 for one and then another $25 to add one more person.